Friday, October 3, 2008

The Fruitful Duties...

flying with UNHAS, on the way for a mission in Nias

The most fruitful and rewarding work experience has been my works with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Aceh. I worked with a wonderful team led by a very smart girl, Malikah Amril, whom I respect so much, a great mentor, Robin Willison, and wonderful colleagues. These are some publications in UNDP Newsletters on those exciting duties.

Pengalaman kerja yang paling berwarna dan terasa sangat bermakna adalah pekerjaanku di Badan Pembangunan PBB (UNDP) di Aceh. Aku bekerja dalam tim yang luar biasa, yang dipimpin seorang perempuan cerdas, Mbak Malikah Amril, mentor yang hebat, Robin Willison, dan teman-teman yang luar biasa. Berikut adalah publikasi di Newsletter UNDP tentang beberapa pekerjaan yang kulakukan di sana...

  • March 2007, Turning Up The Volume to Disaster Risk Reduction (page 8)
  • May 2007, Reaching A Milestone in Disaster Risk Reduction (page 7)
  • September 2007, Back to School with Disaster Risk Reduction (page 4)
  • November 2007, Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School (page 9)

1 comment:

sesy said...

dah gak pake days of a girl lagi tho mbak???
happy idul fitri ya